Tools and Resources
If you are a developer or just a technology geek and any of these are new to you, check them out!
- WebRTC - browser-based realtime communications
- Bootstrap - Twitter's Web development framework
- Firebug - a "must-have" Web development tool for Firefox
- humans.txt - now humans get their own file to read (take that robots!)
- jQuery - Javascript tamed.
- jEdit - simple but powerful Java-based IDE
- KickStarter - crowd-funded projects
- Raspberry Pi - tiny computer running Linux
- Arduino - open-source programmable microcontroller
- Alicebot - conversational chat robot platform
Here are some of our favorite development tools & technologies:
- HTML5, CSS, Javascript, jQuery
- PHP, Perl, Java
- MySQL, MS Access, SQL Server
- Wordpress, Solr/Lucene, OAuth
- Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash
- Corona, PhoneGap for iOS and Android